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Telnorm’s Blog

The complicated business of fighting financial fraud

The forefront of cybercriminals is pushing the financial sector to invest in technology, especially Artificial Intelligence, to combat fraud in a digital age. Conscious of the assets it protects, the financial sector - one of the most innovative - does not have the...

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Happy and productive agents: managing the occupation

Keeping agents productive yet available for the next call and thus meeting service levels is a balancing act that can be quantified and optimized through better occupancy management. Agents' occupation: what it is and how it is measured. Occupancy is measured by the...

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Cloud contact center: trend or fad

The Call Center has evolved. Today it is a space of perfectly organized and measurable operations. Is the Cloud Contact Center a fad or a trend? Excerpt from the presentation: Cloud Call Center: trend or fad, given by Antonio Palacios, CEO of TELNORM during the...

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